Some notes and links on WebSockets with Rails

Here's some useful points on using WebSockets with Rails

I have been doing some research on getting WebSockets running with Rails.

I wanted to share some links and notes I have found/made to make it easier for folk who will be doing their own research at some time.


This is the new Rails 4 way of using sockets. Personally, I don’t like the syntax we have to use for ActionController::Live


This is a gem for getting sockets running on rails. I like it, the syntax is nice and clean and can be extended to use Redis as a go between for any data.

Other Solutions

There are other ways of achieving this, using node is one way a lot of solutions go for using things like

Have you any experience?

I would love to chat with anyone who has had any experience with this, any great gems or samples I should be looking at?

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